The Office of Inspector General (OIG) at the Department of Transportation (DOT) has initiated an audit into the department’s implementation of continuous monitoring tools for improving cybersecurity.
DOT uses software tools on its networks to secure information technology assets as part of its information security continuous monitoring program. The goal of the program is for Federal agencies to combat cybersecurity threats through near real-time detection of cybersecurity risks to Federal information systems and data.
It is critical that DOT’s software tools are effective at detecting whether the Department’s systems are at risk of being compromised by malicious actors to protect DOT’s data, and secure its information systems and devices. To help the Department improve its cybersecurity posture and reduce cybersecurity risks, OIG will assess DOT’s continuous monitoring tools for detecting, preventing, and reporting cybersecurity threats that may compromise DOT’s information systems and data.
Previous OIG audits have found myriad cybersecurity weaknesses at DOT, which the department is working to fix.