General Services Administrator Emily Murphy is considering ways to make public information about orders on multiple-award contracts, both those run by GSA and across government, Federal News Radio (WFED) reported Feb. 7. More than $110 billion was spent through 2,600 multiple-award contracts in fiscal 2016, WFED reported last year.
Currently, only companies that have won spots on the deals can see task order solicitations and awards, which provide business intelligence and competitive data on the federal market.
“It was one of the first conversations I had with the Office of Management and Budget. I’ve had conversations with the Office of Governmentwide Policy,” Murphy said of making task order information more broadly available.
“I’ve had conversations with the Office of General Counsel and the Federal Acquisition Service. They are looking at all of it and are supposed to coming back to me with options on we can try and be more transparent,” she told Federal News Radio. “I think this needs to be addressed not just in the microcosm of the GSA schedules. If we are looking at task orders, we need to be looking across government and making sure we are not disadvantaging the schedules program versus other programs, and we are not putting our vendors or our customers at a competitive disadvantage. At the end of the day, it’s their data.”
Transparency is one of four goals Murphy has set for her term running GSA.
See more at WFED.