Mental health has been an important topic in law enforcement for the last several years. Wellness policies, peer support teams, mental health professionals, and critical incident debriefs, among other measures, are becoming increasingly common.
Approximately two to three times as many officers kill themselves than are killed in the line of duty. In 2021, there were 138 reported officer suicides. Considering many are unreported, the true statistic may be higher. With various agency policies, procedures, and wellness options in place, how are so many officers still being lost to suicide?
One concern is the lack of focus on communication and training with law enforcement families. Officers are adept at hiding their emotions and pretending everything is fine, and they may not ask for help. They thrive on responding to calls, staying busy, and controlling situations while on duty. It is difficult when officers cannot control their own lives, and they tend to hide it. An officer could be facing demons internally, and no one at work may notice. So, who would?