This July was the hottest month in recorded history – possibly the hottest on Earth in the past 125,000 years. In addition to contributing to the frequency, intensity, and duration of storms and floods, droughts, wildfires and sea-level rise, heat distorts human behavior. The changing climate is already affecting every part of personal and professional life, and there is increasing acknowledgment that climate change acts as a “threat multiplier” for various adverse behavioral impacts. It has a direct, demonstrable influence on human behavior that must be understood and factored into policies, plans, procedures, and even exercises. Leaders and decision-makers cannot afford to get behind the curve in preparing for this reality. Now is the time to adopt a climate-informed approach to managing the risks ahead.
To help professionals adapt to and mitigate the behavioral consequences of climate change, the Homeland Security Human Factors Institute™ is offering a four-part series, “Climate-Informed Security, Emergency Management and Business Continuity.” The professional development program will run from October 4 through October 25, on Wednesdays from 1:00-2:00 pm EDT. Participants can take individual classes or enroll in the four-session certificate program. All programs are recorded for convenient on-demand viewing, and participants have access to the presentation materials as reference tools.
Climate change is emerging as one of the most significant global issues of our time. Our climate is now changing at an unprecedented and alarming rate with profound impacts on human life. As our awareness and understanding of climate change increases, the links between climate change and human behavior will become increasingly important to those tasked safety and security in the workplace, campus, and community. Don’t miss this opportunity to be a thought leader in your organization. Learn more and register today for the fall professional development series at